Friday, October 28, 2011

One Year Anniversary!!

Happy Anniversary to "TOP THIS WEDDING"

One year ago today "Top This Wedding" launched with the opening of a new Etsy Store. We opened with just a few ideas and a lot charm that has since blossomed into over 45 products which is only the start!  This past year "Top This Wedding" has been featured in over six different publications including two abroad in the UK. We have shipped throughout the United states and now even worldwide to destinations including New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain, Paris and Tokyo! In addition, we have branched into a full fledged event coordinator handling the complete decor and catering of local weddings. We plan to continue to expand our catalog and bring exciting fresh ideas to your event.

I love working with brides and grooms to make the wedding of their dreams. It has so been rewarding to watch my business grow and be a part of the creative process that has lead to so many happy couples and beautiful weddings.  I love being a small part in your special day, so tell your friends and family!!


We had a romantic picnic on the beach for our anniversary! Here are a few fun ideas for yours:

Dinner Under the Stars
Dress warm, pack a picnic basket filled with both of your favorite foods, a blanket and a telescope. Find a spot that overlooks an amazing view somewhere secluded. 
A Night At The Theater
Go see a live play at the theaterIt’s a twist on the old dinner-and-a-movie theme, but the extra effort will go a long way!
Secretly take your partner on a surprise romantic weekend getaway. To make it a surprise, make it seem like you're taking them on a usual day trip that's not very exciting. Then take them to the airport and surprise them with the tickets to the romantic destination of their dreams. To make it all run smooth, you can 
pre-pack their things, and arrange for them to have time off at work.
Spontaneous Road Trip
Pack up the car, ask your sister or in-laws to watch the kids, and head out on the road for an overnight trip. You can book the reservations while on the road together, a bed-and-breakfast cottage could be a big hit!
Do you have a special anniversary memory or a great idea? Drop us a comment and lets hear about it!

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