Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Flower Girl

Everything You Wondered About the 

Flower Girls

They do seem to steal the show!!

The Flower Girls Duties:
  • Attend the bridal shower
  • Attend the ceremony rehearsal
  • Families of flower girls are expected to pay for dresses and accessories
What does the Flower Girl do at the Wedding Ceremony:
  • They walk right in front of the bride into the church.
  • They can scatter flowers, petals or something else the bride chooses
  • They can carry anything that goes with the theme of your day, maybe a small bouquet, a wand, bubbles or a "Here Comes the Bride" sign. Your imagination is the only limit. 
  • The flower girls stand near the bridesmaids or they can sit with their families.
  • Don't forget to photograph them as part of the wedding party.
At the Reception:

  • The flower girls sits with their families not at the head table
  • The flower girl dances with the page boy or ring bearer.

The Flower Girls Mom:
  • Most the time it is your obligation to pay for the flower girl dress, but it is not your job to pick it out. You may make a suggestion but the bride gets to make the final decision.
  • You and your daughter need to be available for all the wedding related events and for pictures. If you can't commit to everything, then you might want to re-think committing your daughter.
  • Prepare your daughter so she won't be scared and will know exactly what to expect.
  • Remember it is the brides day and it will be a be stressful for her, so be patient and clam. 

Paper Flower Wands

Such a pretty flower girl ;) Photography by

flower girl & bride
Traditional flower petals

hawaiian wedding ceremony
"Here comes the Bride" banner

flower girl

Flower girl buckets

Flower Girl Parasols

flower girl
Fun and casual

flower girl headbands
Homemade headbands

Flower Girl dress
Special detail to keeping the Flower Girl match the theme of your day 

Hand crafted paper cones and baskets 

flower girl basket
Natural moss and burlap

Flower girl basket!
Hand painted wood basket

Flower Girl Basket
Theme oriented arrangement

Flower Girl Baskets

flower girl basket
Keep it small and simple

love the little lace basket for the flower girl
Get a great photo of your flower girl

Flower Girl... let them carry something besides a basket of petals
Add some fun to the day

Love these flower girl dresses and the wands!
Bare footed back yard wedding

all 'flower girl' wedding party with tutus and wands?
Tutu's are this years hot trend in flower girl attire 

Flower girl headband

Flower girls come in all ages

How will you make your little Flower girl feel and look special? Do share your great ideas!

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